Heroes of Environmental Diplomacy: Profiles in Courage 

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Snow Angel - UNC Stakeholder Engagement Method

Watch the video here.

On the 10th of November UNDESA held a workshop for member states that are intending to present their Voluntary National Reviews to the UN High Level Political Forum in 2021. A number of experts were invited to attend the Knowledge Exchange for 2021 VNR Countries including Felix Dodds from the Water Institute at the University of North Carolina. He presented the UNC Snow Angel approach to stakeholder engagement to the workshop as follows.

This approach is based on the work of the University of North Carolina as part of a six-university research project on Governance of Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience for Sustainable Development.

The theory of change we are advocating is that the involvement of stakeholders in decision making creates better-informed decisions that are more likely to garner support and implementation from impacted stakeholder groups and individuals.

We have developed the UNC Snow Angel approach for stakeholder engagement which draws inspiration from the ecological footprint and ecological rucksacks approaches. The ecological footprint measures your resource consumption while the rucksack considers the degree of stress exerted on the environment.

The Snow Angel method also expands on the existing snowball approach to identifying stakeholders. The snowball method starts with a few defined stakeholders and asks them to identify new stakeholder categories, organizations, and further contacts. While this is helpful for researchers and requires little capacity, this method can unintentionally limit the scope of included stakeholders. 

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The Future of the High-level Political Forum: Fit for Purpose? Stakeholder Forum’s First sdg2030 Series Report

Stakeholder Forum’s First sdg2030 Series Report –

The Future of the High-level Political Forum: Fit for Purpose?

On Monday, 14 September 2020, Stakeholder Forum launched the first in its sdg2030 Series reports: The Future of the High-level Political Forum – Fit for Purpose?

The future of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) has been a matter of debate since it was created out of Rio+20, and before the negotiations for the Sustainable Development Goals. The resolution establishing the HLPF (UNGA resolution A/67/L.72, adopted on 9 July 2013) agreed to review it, and one such review was due 2020.  This has now been moved to the autumn of 2021.

This report, a summary of the ideas presented during the 13 July 2020 ‘Pop-up Side Event’ at the 2020 HLPF: ‘Lessons from the Proposal for a Sustainable Development Council for the UN General Assembly (from Rio+20) for the Future of the High-level Political Forum,’ captures the inputs from the speakers and respondents from the ‘Pop-Up’ event, all of whom were active during Rio+20 and the creation of the HLPF.

Our speakers were Jan-Gustav Strandenaes and Mohamed Khalil, and our respondents were Paula Caballero, Albert Butare, and Marianne Beisheim.

By looking at ideas suggested then, we hope it offers insights for the negotiations over the Future of the HLPF during the next fifteen months.

The report was introduced by Jan-Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Forum, and the session was moderated by Felix Dodds, Adjunct Professor Water Institute, the University of North Carolina.

You can view the launch event here.

You can download the report here: SDG 2030 Series Report No 1 The Future of the High-level Political Forum-Fit for Purpose (Sept 2020)



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The Future of the High-level Political Forum: Fit for Purpose? Stakeholder Forum’s First sdg2030 Series Report

Stakeholder Forum’s First sdg2030 Series Report –

The Future of the High-level Political Forum: Fit for Purpose?

On Monday, 14 September 2020, Stakeholder Forum launched the first in its sdg2030 Series reports: The Future of the High-level Political Forum – Fit for Purpose?

The future of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) has been a matter of debate since it was created out of Rio+20, and before the negotiations for the Sustainable Development Goals. The resolution establishing the HLPF (UNGA resolution A/67/L.72, adopted on 9 July 2013) agreed to review it, and one such review was due 2020.  This has now been moved to the autumn of 2021.

This report, a summary of the ideas presented during the 13 July 2020 ‘Pop-up Side Event’ at the 2020 HLPF: ‘Lessons from the Proposal for a Sustainable Development Council for the UN General Assembly (from Rio+20) for the Future of the High-level Political Forum,’ captures the inputs from the speakers and respondents from the ‘Pop-Up’ event, all of whom were active during Rio+20 and the creation of the HLPF.

Our speakers were Jan-Gustav Strandenaes and Mohamed Khalil, and our respondents were Paula Caballero, Albert Butare, and Marianne Beisheim.

By looking at ideas suggested then, we hope it offers insights for the negotiations over the Future of the HLPF during the next fifteen months.

The report was introduced by Jan-Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Forum, and the session was moderated by Felix Dodds, Adjunct Professor Water Institute, the University of North Carolina.

You can view the launch event here.

You can download the report here: SDG 2030 Series Report No 1 The Future of the High-level Political Forum-Fit for Purpose (Sept 2020)



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The Future of the High Level Political Forum 'Pop-Up' side event

Future of the HLPF: Lessons from the proposal for a Sustainable Development Council for the UN General Assembly from Rio+20 for the future of the High Level Political Forum


On 13 July 2020, a ‘Pop Up Side Event’ webinar during the 2020 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, developed and delivered by Stakeholder Forum, revisited the ideas that were suggested by the Member States and stakeholders in the preparation for Rio+20 concerning the issue of what body should be created to replace the Commission on Sustainable Development.

In particular, the webinar looked at the proposal for a Council on Sustainable Development within the UN General Assembly.  Are there any ideas that might help Member States in their present review of the work of ECOSOC and the UNGA second committee?

The HLPF has just completed in 2019 its first four-year review, and 2020 is the 75th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations.  This virtual UN HLPF side event offered a chance for open discussion on the best way for addressing sustainable development in the follow up to Rio+20 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  It looked back at the ideas that were being suggested in 2012 to see if they offer any insights for the way forward.

The webinar recording can be found on the Stakeholder Forum YouTube channel, and the presentation here: Lessons from the Proposal for a SD Council for the UN GA for the Future of the HLPF (13 July 2020)


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Climate Friendly Travel Think Tank

The inaugural SUNx Malta 2020 Climate Friendly Travel Think Tank with 35 global thought leaders met from 24th - 28th February in Qawra, Malta. It operated in the context of the long-term transformational vision of the late Maurice Strong for sustainable development that responds coherently to the climate crisis.

The First “Climate Friendly Travel” Sector Report, co-produced by SUNx Malta and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) in September 2019 and issued on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly was reviewed and strongly endorsed, along with its key messages:

The Climate Crisis is eXistential.

Climate Action is Urgent

Climate & Carbon Ambitions Globally must increase

Travel & Tourism Sector Climate Ambition must intensify

Climate Friendly Travel can be a solution

We must Act Now. We must Act Fast.

The Initiative of the Government of Malta to become a global Centre of Climate Friendly Travel was warmly welcomed. As was the leadership of the Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli.

One of the key outcomes from the workshop was "

The highest importance must be given to the immediate distribution and rapid scaling up of currently available solutions to substantially reduce aviation fossil fuel reliance. There is a need for renewed commitment from the sector to radically increase financing of synthetic fuels. Current fuel suppliers were called on to apply full financial and corporate commitment to a solution, as well as to give the highest priority to synthetic aviation fuel production. In addition, states may wish to consider including international Aviation in their Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contributions."

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GreenBiz 2020

GreenBiz Conferncer 2020

I had the pleasure of attending my first GreenBiz conference in February in Phoenix - never been to the State before but definitely want to go back. One of the reasons for goign was the launch of the UN Global Compact's SDG Action Manager. 

Although important progress has been made by the business community, we have a lot more work to do to achieve our vision of a better and more sustainable future for all.

Not only do the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identify where we should be in 2030 to create the sustainable world we seek, but they also provide a unique chance for all sectors to rally around a common global agenda – one that unites us to take responsibility to improve people’s lives and save our planet.

For this reason, the United Nations Global Compact is introducing the SDG Action Manager to provide all types of businesses with an opportunity to learn about, manage, and directly improve their sustainability performance.

Developed in cooperation with B Lab, the SDG Action Manager is a web-based impact management solution to enable businesses to take action on the Sustainable Development Goals through 2030.

The SDG Action Manager brings together B Lab’s B Impact Assessment, the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, and the Sustainable Development Goals, to enable meaningful business action through dynamic self-assessment, benchmarking, and improvement. It is informed by the work and feedback of a range of stakeholders, including experts in corporate sustainability, civil society, UN, and academia; and it is inspired by the Certified B Corp community and participating companies of the UN Global Compact.

The SDG Action Manager is available in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.


SDG Action Manager enables a company to:

Find your starting point. Learn which SDGs matter most to you based on your company profile, and how to take action today.

Understand and share your impact. Get a clear view of how your operations, supply chain, and business model create positive impact, and identify risk areas for each SDG.

Set goals and track improvement. We have 10 years to achieve the SDGs. Stay motivated and visualize your progress on the dashboard.

Collaborate across your company. Invite colleagues to join the SDG Action Manager, contribute expertise, and see real-time progress and performance.

Learn at every step. Determine high-impact action based on thought-provoking yet actionable assessment questions, benchmarks, and improvement guides.

Trailblaze together. Join a global movement of companies working to build a better world for people and planet by 2030.


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December 2019

The UK election was a disaster for the UK and for my chance to be part of the UK team for the Glasgow UNFCCC. The leave the EU side led by the Conservatives secured a huge majority and those of us that supported remaining in the EU couldn't agree among ourselves which our candidates should be in the different constituencies. Although there was a majority for remain candidates that wasn't the case as far actual MPs due to the UK having the first past the post system. I managed to triple the vote and increase ti by 6.1% but when the Brexit party withdrew from the constituency it meant that the remain vote was split between the Libe Dems, Labour and the Greens.  History will not be kind on those party leaders who could not agree on a joint platform.

In the UK - Im not sure what happens in other countries the candidates stand on the stage as the election results are read out and the TV cameras capture the whole event. The Mid Derbyshire  result was the last one of four being read out at the count and happened at 530am in the morning zzzzzz



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