February 2011
UNEP Governing Council started with the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum. On the second day Felix Dodds made a speech on the challenges for Rio+20:
" But for a moment I would like to take us back to the end of Rio and part of the concluding comments by Buff Bolhan, US Assistant Secretary of State, June 1992, under the first President Bush:
“There is no question that developing countries and countries in transition must have new resources” he declared. “I would like to make it absolutely clear that the United States is committed to working with other industrial countries to mobilize new and additional resources for a new partnership.”
This is in part why we left Rio in 1992 with great hopes for the future, with Agenda 21 an action plan for the 21st century, two conventions to address the future challenges in climate and biodiversity and a desertification convention to be agreed within two years of Rio."
He also with Jan-Gustav Strandenaes ran a training session on how to lobbt at the UN.
It was very surprising to be included in "25 Environmentalists Ahead Of Their Time" but it did make me smile. It opens with:
"Going green is an almost nauseatingly cliche mantra that’s been picked up –sometimes falsely — by corporate America, soccer moms, and the least granola people you can think of. But through the hard work, research studies and dedication of some very persistent individuals, being more conscientious about how humans impact the environment and making more sustainable choices in the way we feed, transport and fuel ourselves and our daily lives, we might finally be on track to getting on Mother Earth’s good side. While we ignored them for decades — or even centuries — these conservationists, naturalists, writers, artists, explorers, politicians, and even royals have worked tirelessly to protect our natural world and clue us into the interconnectedness of life, way before “going green” became trendy. Here are 25 environmentalists who’d probably love to say “I told you so.”
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