June 2012
Stakeholder Forum team at Rio+20 last day at the ‘What Happens on Monday’ event: on the back row Amy Cutter,Kirsty Schneeberger, Rina Kuusipalo, Georgie MacDonald, Jeannet Lingan and on the front row Jack Cornforth, Jan Gustav Strandenaes, Felix Dodds, Derek Osborn, Farooq Ullah, Tom Harrisson and Matthew Reading Smith
Meeting Captain Planet at Rio+20 with the Stakeholder Forum Outreach team, Georgie, Amy, Jack and Matt -- yes he has an Outreach in his hand!!
The last day of Rio+20 SF team hitching a ride to Rio centro on the ENB bus.
The Stakeholder Forum team (most of them) for Rio+20,
Speaking at the Peoples Sustainability Treaties lanch at Rio+20
Chairing the Launch of Future Earth at the Forum on Science, technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development
Maurice Strong and Felix Dodds at the book luanch and signing for 'Only One Earth - The Long Road via Rio to Sustsinable Development' at the United Nations Saturday the 2nd of June. (photo from Earth Negotiations Bullettin www.iisd.org )
The third author Michael Strauss and Maurice Strong signing copies of the book 'Only One Earth' (photo from Earth Negotiations Bullettin www.iisd.org )
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