Heroes of Environmental Diplomacy: Profiles in Courage 

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July 2011



Ambassador Jean-Pierre Thibault, Susanne Salz, Felix Dodds and Assistant Secretary General Brice Lalonde at the Solo Indonesia International Framework for Ssustainable Devleopment meeting.


Addressing the High Level Dialogue on Institutional Framework for Sustainabke DEvelopment in Solo Indonesia. I made three recommendations in my presentation:

  1. The creation of a Sustainable Development Council of the UN General Assembly
  2. The creation of an overall intergovernmental panel on sustainable development which the IPCC and others would sit under
  3. The creation of a framework convention on corporate environmental and social responsibility


Addressing an event organized by Eutokia in Bilbao on how intergovernmental processes work...or don't :-) sometimes. -

This was followed up by a speech/lecture to the summer course in San Sebastian on the Financial Crisis and Environment Policy - Lessons learnt as we transition to a greener economy.

"The challenge for moving our economics to a more sustainable way is through the world accepting a vision and then developing the policies and practices to achieve that. The world we live in at the moment is based on believing that the planet has limitless resources and that the waste we produce doesn’t have a long term negative impact on us living here. Both have been found to be untrue.

The discussion on an overall vision must take place in the run up to the Earth Summit in 2012 and my suggestion of a starting place might be something like this.

We should live on this planet within its planetary boundaries equitably, fairly, and sustainably.”

A report of the presentation is in the Basque dailynewspaper Diariovasco  

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