my PowerPoint presentations can be found here on SDGs, Climate Change, Water, Nexus, Stakeholders and Global Governance
Felix Dodds High-Level Leadership Dialogue UNEA 5.2 Nairobi
I believe in Felix (December 2019)
The launch of my new book Stakeholder Democracy: represented Democracy in a Time of Fear (July 2019)
My campaign video to be UNEP Executive Director (January 2019)
Launch of my book Negotiating the Sustainable Development Goals (July 2017)
Interview on the Nexus - Climate Change and Santa Claus on Global Connections Television (January 2018)
Speech at Regional Liberal Democrat Conference on Climate Change and SDGs (2016)
Interview on the climate change, SDGs on Global Connections Television (March 2014)
Speaking at ECOSOC on finance
Book Launch of Only One Earth (June 2012)
My panel comments at the Planet Under Pressure Conference (March 2012)
A fun video
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