February 2014

Ian Cawsey WSPA and me discussing Sustainable Development Goals strategy and Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia trying to listen in for ideas. My latest blog looks at the process over the next 6 months for developing the SDGs. 

I was on the panel for the UN President of the General Assemblies Thematic Debate on Water and Energy. This feeds into the UNGA stocktaking event in the September Heads of State UNGA session. I did this as co-director of the Nexus Conference my presentation and a link to the whole session can be found on my blog here http://earthsummit2012.blogspot.com/


At the UN PGA's Thematic Debate on Water and Energy co-authors of From Rio+20 to the New Development Agenda Felix Dodds, Liz Thomspon, Jorge Laguna Celis