October 2011

Zak and me at the New York Comics Convention --- enjoyed listening to Joe Quesada on marvel plans for 2012. Avengers here we come!!!

(Earth Negotiations Bullitin)

Speaking at the conference on the Contributions of Forests to a Green Economy opened today at the Municipal Hall Bad Godesberg in Bonn - one of th four conferences that Germany is organising on Rio+20.

"I underlined the importance of certification and the role of the FSC backed up by global regulation and also the outcomes from the UN DPI NGO Conference on a forest goal

By 2020, all remaining frontier forests are protected from conversion and degradation, consistent with the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity adopted at COP10.

They went on to say that a well-resourced and  equably governed REDD+ mechanism should be put in place, which respects the rights and knowledge of indigenous peoples  and local communities and other environmental and governance safeguards, to reward developing countries for protection and sustainable management of their forests, not only for carbon capture and storage but for their wider ecological services.

A policy of no net loss of forestland, globally and nationally, is also achieved by 2020. At that time, all new forest areas cleared will be offset by ecologically sound restoration of forests in nearby areas.

Restoration of over 150 million hectares of cleared or degraded forest landscapes is achieved by 2020, with the creation of millions of new jobs and enhanced livelihoods, improved security and adaptation to climate  change.

We need to see a reduction of deforestation emissions by key corporations and their supply chains committing to avoid the purchase of products that cause deforestation, such as soy or cattle from deforested lands in the Brazilian Amazon, palm oil from deforested agricultural land in Indonesia, or illegal wood and wood products throughout the world."